Creo 자습서 > Topology Optimization 자습서 > 초보자 자습서 > Setting Up the Model
Setting Up the Model
Set up the model by applying a load to the planar surface, applying a constraint to the hole surfaces, creating a volume region, and assigning a material to the model.
Apply a Load to a Planar Surface
1. Select the top flat surface.
2. Click Home > Loads > Force/Moment. The Force/Moment dialog box opens.
3. Under Force, next to Y, type -1000.
4. Click OK. The dialog box closes, and the load appears on the surface.
Apply a Constraint to the Hole Surfaces
1. Select the cylindrical surface inside of one of the holes.
2. Click Home > Constraints > Displacement The Constraint dialog box opens.
3. Press CTRL and select the cylindrical surface on the inside of the other hole. The surfaces are added to the collector.
4. Click OK. The dialog box closes, and the constraint appears on the hole surfaces.
Create a Volume Region
Create a volume region so the region can be excluded from the optimization later.
1. In the Model Tree, select Sketch 1.
2. Click Home > Volume Region > Extrude. The Extrude tab opens.
3. Pull the depth handle to the other side of the part. This reverses the direction of the extrude so it points in toward the part.
4. Right-click the handle, and select Through All. This defines the depth of the volume region as through the entire part.
5. Click . The Extrude tab closes.
Assign a Material to the Model
1. Click Home > Material Assignment. The Material Assignment dialog box opens.
2. Under Material, select Steel.
3. Click OK. The Material Assignment dialog box closes.