Creo 자습서 > Topology Optimization 자습서 > 초보자 자습서 > Constructing a New Optimized Model
Constructing a New Optimized Model
Construct a new model based on the results of the optimization study. There are two ways of constructing optimized geometry, depending on how you intend to use the model:
Click Results > Geometry Reconstruction to construct a full b-rep (boundary representation) model. You can use Creo Parametric functionality on all the geometry in the newly constructed model.
The optimized portions are constructed as a Freestyle subdivisional mesh. The geometry that is excluded from the optimization is copied as independent geometry, and appears as Neutral feature in the Model Tree. The Freestyle feature is solidified.
Click Results > Tessellated Model Only to construct a facet-based model that you can export as an STL file. A faceted model might be all you need for models with relatively simple geometry, and models that do not need further editing.
The optimized geometry is constructed as a Facet feature. The geometry that is excluded from the optimization is copied as independent geometry, and appears as Neutral feature in the Model Tree. You cannot perform parametric actions on the Facet feature.