제조 공정 계획 > Process Steps > Read About and Create Steps > To Create a Volume Step
To Create a Volume Step
1. Ensure that you have created a Work Center of type Volume by clicking Manufacturing > Work Center > Volume.
2. Click Manufacturing > Volume.
3. The system opens the the STEP: Volume dialog box, which contains the following options:
Name—Specify the volume step name. This is an optional field.
Type—Specify type of step. This is a required field.
Comments—Specify volume step comments. This is an optional field.
References—Specify references for the volume step. This is an optional field, which allows you to select component, feature, surface, edge, curve, quilt, datum, dimension or tolerance references to add to this volume step.
Simplified Rep—Specify a simplified representation for the step. This is an optional field.
Time Estimate—Specify a time estimate for the volume step. This is an optional field.
Cost Estimate—Specify a cost estimate for the volume step. This is an optional field.
Select the feature step fields you wish to define or change and click Define.
Click OK to commit and continue.