좌표측정기(CMM) > Probe Path > Using the PLAY PATH Dialog Box > Supported DMIS Commands
Supported DMIS Commands
A subset of DMIS commands is automatically output by CMM to a probe path file. These commands are shown below with their associated parameters and definitions.
Any line or portion of a line preceded by "$$" is a comment or command for the use of CMM.
ACLRAT / MESACL, units, feed
Sets the measure acceleration feedrate, where:
units—The ACCEL_UNITS value.
feed—The MEASURE_ACCEL value.
ACLRAT / POSACL, units, feed
Sets the safe acceleration feedrate, where:
units—The ACCEL_UNITS value.
feed—The SAFE_ACCEL value.
ACLRAT / SCNACL, units, feed
Sets the scanning acceleration, where:
units—The ACCEL_UNITS value.
feed—The MEASURE_ACCEL value.
BOUND / F(ent_name), F(BND_#)[, F(BND_#)]
Bounds a Measured or Constructed entity, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed entity name, for example, M_PL01or C_LN01.
BND_#—The name of the internal bounding plane, for example, BND_12. The number of bounding planes depends on the type of the Measured or Constructed entity being bounded.
CONST / CIRCLE, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]
Constructs a circle, where:
con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_LN01.
type—The Constructed Circle type. Can be one of:
BF—Best Fit
ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example, M_PT01 or C_PL01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.
CONST / CYLNDR, F(con_name), BF, FA(ref), FA(ref), FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]
Constructs a cylinder, where:
con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_CY01.
ref—The name of a reference entity, for example, C_LN01. There can be three or more reference entities.
CONST / LINE, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]
Constructs a line, where:
con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_LN01.
type—The Constructed Line type. Can be one of:
BF—Best Fit
ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example, M_PT01or C_LN01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.
CONST / PLANE, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]
Constructs a plane, where:
con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_PL01.
type—The Constructed Plane type. Can be one of:
BF—Best Fit
ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example, M_PT01or C_PL01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.
CONST / POINT, F(con_name), type, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]
Constructs a point, where:
con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_PT01.
type—The Constructed Point type. Can be one of:
ref—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example, M_PL01 or C_LN01. The number of reference entities varies depending on type.
CONST / SPHERE, F(con_name), BF, FA(ref)[, FA(ref)]
Constructs a sphere, where:
con_name—The Construct step name, for example, C_SP01.
ref—The name of a reference entity, for example, C_PT01. There can be four or more reference entities.
D(csys)= DATSET / DAT(dat_name), dir
Creates a new Ref Csys using Primary Axis transformation, where:
csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.
dat_name—The datum label corresponding to the selected reference entity, derived from the preceding DATDEF statement.
dir—The primary axis and direction vector. Can be one of: XDIR, -XDIR, YDIR, -YDIR, ZDIR, -ZDIR.
Creates a new Ref Csys using Custom transformation, where:
csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.
dat_name—The datum label corresponding to the selected reference entity, derived from the preceding DATDEF statement.
The system will output only those direction and origin components that you checked off when specifying the degrees of freedom.
D(csys)= TRANS / XORIG, x_value, YORIG, y_value, ZORIG, z_value
Creates a new Ref Csys using Translate by value, where:
csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.
x_value, y_value, z_value—The offset values along the axes.
The system will output only those axes that are actually used for transformation.
D(csys)= TRANS / XORIG, FA(ref), YORIG, FA(ref), ZORIG, FA(ref)
Creates a new Ref Csys using Translate by aligning to reference, where:
csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.
ref—The names of the Measured or Constructed reference entities used for alignment, for example, M_PL01 or C_LN01.
The system will output only those axes that are actually used for transformation.
D(csys)= ROTATE / axis, value
Creates a new Ref Csys using Rotate by value, where:
csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.
axis—The axis of rotation. Can be one of: XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS.
value—The angle of rotation.
D(csys)= ROTATE / axis, FA(ref), dir
Creates a new Ref Csys using Rotate by aligning to axis, where:
csys—The Ref Csys name, for example, REF_CSYS01.
axis—The axis of rotation. Can be one of: XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS.
ref—The name of the Measured or Constructed reference entity used for alignment, for example, M_PL01 or C_LN01.
dir—The axis being aligned to reference. Can be one of: XDIR, YDIR, ZDIR.
DATDEF / FA(ref), DAT(dat_name)
Assigns a datum label to a Measured or Constructed entity prior to issuing a DATSET statement, where:
ref—The name of the Measured or Constructed reference entity, for example, M_PL01 or C_LN01.
dat_name—The datum label generated by the system (A, B, and so on).
DMESW / COMAND, ’command[, args]’
Outputs a non-DMIS command to create a new Ref Csys using Custom transformation, where:
command—The name of the command (Func Name).
args—Arguments separated by commas, if specified (FuncArgs).
DMIS / var_1
Enables or disables the processing of DMIS statements (var_1 = ON or OFF)
DMISMN / 'DMIS Program'
Output at the beginning of a DMIS file.
Output at the end of a DMIS file.
Output at the end of a sequence of PTMEAS commands.
F(BND_#)= FEAT / PLANE, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k
Creates an internal bounding plane, where:
BND_#—The name of the bounding plane, for example, BND_12.
x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the plane.
i, j, k—The direction vector of the plane.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / CIRCLE, side, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, diam
Defines a circle, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed circle name, for example, M_CR01.
side—INNER or OUTER.
x, y, z—Coordinates of the center of the circle.
i, j, k—The direction vector of the plane that the circle lies in.
diam—The diameter of the circle.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / CONE, side, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, ang
Defines a cone, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed cone name, for example, M_CN01.
side—INNER or OUTER.
x, y, z—Coordinates of the vertex of the cone.
i, j, k—The direction vector associated with the cone, which points along the cone’s axis from the vertex to the base of the cone.
ang—The angle of the cone.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / CYLNDR, side, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, diam
Defines a cylinder, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed cylinder name, for example, M_CY01.
side—INNER or OUTER.
x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the cylinder’s axis; this point is the centerpoint for bounded cylinders.
i, j, k—The direction vector associated with the cylinder, which points along the cylinder’s axis from the first end measured to the other end.
diam—The diameter of the cylinder.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / GSURF
Defines a surface, where:
ent_name—The Measured surface name, for example, M_SF01.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / LINE, BND, CART, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ni, nj, nk
Defines a bounded line, where:
ent_name—The Measured line name, for example, M_LN01.
BND—Specifies that the line is bounded.
x1, y1, z1 and x2, y2, z2—Coordinates of the two endpoints of the best fit line.
ni, nj, nk—The normal vector of the plane where the line lies.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / LINE, UNBND, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k, ni, nj, nk
Defines an unbounded line, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed line name, for example, M_LN01 or C_LN01.
UNBND—Specifies that the line is unbounded.
x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the line (for a Measured line, coordinates of the start point of the line).
i, j, k—The direction vector which points along the line (for a Measured line, the direction is defined by the flip arrow).
ni, nj, nk—The normal vector of the plane in which the line lies, that can be used for probe compensation.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / PLANE, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k
Defines a plane, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed plane name, for example, M_PL01.
x, y, z—Coordinates of a point on the plane.
i, j, k—The direction vector of the plane which points away from the part.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / POINT, CART, x, y, z, i, j, k
Defines a point, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed point name, for example, M_PT01.
x, y, z—Coordinates of the point.
i, j, k—A vector, normal to and pointing away from the surface in which the point lies, that can be used for probe compensation.
F(ent_name)= FEAT / SPHERE, side, CART, x, y, z, diam
Defines a sphere, where:
ent_name—The Measured or Constructed sphere name, for example, M_SP01.
side—INNER or OUTER.
x, y, z—Coordinates of the center of the sphere.
diam—The diameter of the sphere.
FEDRAT / MESVEL, units, feed
Sets the measure feedrate, where:
units—The FEED_UNITS value.
feed—The MEASURE_FEED value.
FEDRAT / POSVEL, units, feed
Sets the safe feedrate, where:
units—The FEED_UNITS value.
feed—The SAFE_FEED value.
FEDRAT / SCNVEL, units, velocity
Sets the scanning velocity where:
units—The FEED_UNITS value.
velocity—The MEASURE_FEED value.
FROM / x, y, z
The Start point for a Measure step, where:
x, y, z—Coordinates of the probe tip center or of the contact point (depending on the value of the workcell parameter PTMEAS_OUTPUT_POINT).
GOTO / x, y, z
Go to point, where:
x, y, z—Coordinates of the probe tip center or of the contact point (depending on the value of the workcell parameter PTMEAS_OUTPUT_POINT).
MEAS / type, F(meas_name), n
Performs a Measure step, where:
type—The type of Measure step. Can be one of: CIRCLE, CONE, CYLNDR, GSURF, PLANE, POINT, SPHERE.
meas_name—The Measure step name, for example, M_PL01.
n—The number of Measured points.
Measure points and probe path will be controlled by the built-in algorithm of the CMM.
Measure points and probe path will be controlled by CMM.
Measure points and probe path will be controlled by the CMM operator.
OUTPUT / FA(ref_name)[, FA(dat_name)], TA(ver_name)
Output for Verify steps, where:
ref_name—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference feature, for example, M_CY01.
dat_name—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference datum, for example, M_PL01. Output if required by the tolerance type.
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
PATH / USERDF alg_name, FILNAM file_name
Defines the path for the scanning probe using a user defined algorithm, where:
alg_name—Name of the user defined algorithm
file_name—Name of the file that contains the data to be used with the algorithm
PAMEAS / x, y, z, i, j, k
Performs path directed scanning measurement, where:
x, y, z—Coordinates of the point.
i, j, k—A direction vector, normal to and pointing away from the surface of the feature being measured
Part name.
Sets probe compensation OFF.
Sets probe compensation ON.
PTMEAS / CART, x, y, z, i, j, k
Performs an automatic point measurement, where:
x, y, z—Coordinates of the point.
i, j, k—A direction vector, normal to and pointing away from the surface of the feature being measured, that can be used for probe compensation.
RAPID / pcent
The next motion statement will be a rapid traverse feed, where:
pcent—The workcell parameter RAPID_FEED_RATE (specified as a percent of maximum value).
RECALL / D(csys)
Makes a Ref Csys current (csys is the Ref Csys name).
S(r)= SNSDEF / PROBE, FIXED, CART, dx, dy, dz, ti, tj, tk, diam
Defines a fixed probe, where:
r = REGISTER in the Probe Table.
dx, dy, dz—The distance along X, Y, and Z between the probe tip center (the TIP# coordinate system) and the probe origin (the TOOL coordinate system)
ti, tj, tk—The unit vector of the sensor mount socket’s axis.
diam—The tip diameter.
S(r)= SNSDEF / PROBE, INDEX, POL, pitch, roll, ti, tj, tk, len, diam
Defines a rotating probe, where:
r = REGISTER in the Probe Table.
POL—Specifies that the probe tip’s location is defined in polar coordinates.
pitch—The pitch angle.
roll—The roll angle.
ti, tj, tk—The unit vector of the sensor mount socket’s axis.
len—The total length between the sensor mount and the probe tip center.
diam—The tip diameter.
SAVE / D(csys)
Saves a Ref Csys in CMM’s memory (csys is the Ref Csys name).
SAVE / S(r)
Saves sensor calibration data in CMM’s memory (r is the probe name, which corresponds to the REGISTER value in the Probe Table).
SCNMOD / var_1
Enables or disables the scanning mode (var_1 = ON or OFF)
Sets the drag routine for scanning.
Sets the measure approach distance (value = MEAS_APPR_DIST).
Sets the border clearance (value = BORDER_CLEARANCE).
Sets the measure pullout distance (value = MEAS_PULLOUT_DIST).
Sets the measure search distance (value = MEAS_SEARCH_DIST).
Load probe (r = REGISTER in the Probe Table).
T(ver_name)= TOL / ANGLB, angle, lower_tol, upper_tol
Output for verifying an angular dimension tolerance, where:
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
angle—The nominal value of the angular dimension.
lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.
upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.
T(ver_name)= TOL / CORTOL, axis, lower_tol, upper_tol
Output for verifying dimension tolerance in the direction of a Ref Csys axis, where:
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
axis—The Ref Csys axis. Can be one of: XAXIS, YAXIS, ZAXIS.
lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.
upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.
T(ver_name)= TOL / DIAM, lower_tol, upper_tol
Output for verifying a diameter dimension tolerance, where:
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.
upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.
T(ver_name)= TOL / DISTB, NOMINL, nom_value, lower_tol, upper_tol, PT2PT
Output for verifying dimension tolerance between two features, where:
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
nom_value—The nominal value of the dimension.
lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.
upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.
T(ver_name)= TOL / RAD, lower_tol, upper_tol
Output for verifying a radius dimension tolerance, where:
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
lower_tol—The lower bound for the dimension.
upper_tol—The upper bound for the dimension.
T(ver_name)= TOL / type[, ang_dim], value[, FA(ref_name)]
Output for verifying geometric tolerance, where:
ver_name—The Verify step name, for example, VER01.
type—The geometric tolerance type. Can be one of:
POS, 2D—Position for circles
POS, 3D—Position for cylinders and surfaces
PROFS—Surface Profile
ang_dim—The nominal value of angular dimension. Output for Angularity verification only.
value—The geometric tolerance value.
ref_name—The name of a Measured or Constructed reference feature, for example, M_PL01. Output if required by type.
Model units.