Creo Simulate > Reference Links > Example: Using a Simplified Part
Example: Using a Simplified Part
Simplifying your parts means removing any feature or geometry that is not significant to the analysis you plan to perform. To understand this principle more clearly, consider the following example of a proposed shelf bracket design:
This bracket is made of steel and supports a bookshelf that rests on two rods. The bracket ears and vertical face slide into a die-cast slot in the shelf post. Note that the support holes accept a rod with a predetermined diameter.
Looking at the prior example, you can omit the following two items from your initial design:
the rear plate, provided it is stiff enough not to affect the analysis results
the rounds
If you leave these items out of your initial design, the part you prepared for Creo Simulate would resemble the following:
As you can see, all nonessential areas of the design are gone. Only the portion you want to analyze or optimize remains. At this point, you can perform a complete analysis, sensitivity study, and optimization for your part.
After Creo Simulate develops the optimized shape for this part, you can add the rear plate and rounds. To ensure that the part is still valid, always return to Creo Simulate for a standard analysis of the complete part.
Return to Strategy: Keeping Models Simple.