Creo 拓樸最佳化 > Optimization Setup > Design Constraints > To Create a System Inertia Design Constraint
To Create a System Inertia Design Constraint
1. Click Home > Design Constraint. The Design Constraint dialog box opens.
2. In the Name box, type a name for the design constraint.
3. To change the color used for the design constraint, click , and select a color in the Color Editor dialog box.
4. To define the physical feature to use as a constraint, in the Response type box, select System Inertia (INERTIA).
5. To specify the moment of inertia to use as a constraint, in the Response component box, select an option.
6. Under Constraint Bounds, type a value for Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
7. Select an option for Bound Type:
Actual—Use the actual value as the constraint bounds.
Scale of initial—Use a percentage of the initial response value as the constraint bounds.
8. Click OK.