Creo 拓樸最佳化 > Optimization Setup > Design Constraints > To Create a Heat Transfer Compliance Design Constraint
To Create a Heat Transfer Compliance Design Constraint
1. Click Home > Design Constraint. The Design Constraint dialog box opens.
2. In the Name box, type a name for the design constraint.
3. To change the color used for the design constraint, click , and select a color in the Color Editor dialog box.
4. To define the physical feature to use as a constraint, in the Response type box, select Heat Transfer Compliance (HTC).
5. To select one or more analyses that correspond to the design constraint, in the Analysis box, click the arrow, and select the check boxes of analyses to include in the design constraint.
6. Under Constraint Bounds, type a value for Lower Bound and Upper Bound.
7. Select an option for Bound Type:
Actual—Use the actual value as the constraint bounds.
Scale of initial—Use a percentage of the initial response value as the constraint bounds.
8. Click OK.