Creo 拓樸最佳化 > Optimization Setup > Topology Regions > Fabrication Constraints
Fabrication Constraints
Apply fabrication constraints (TSYM3) to a topology region to make sure that the optimization results comply with manufacturing requirements. The following constraints are available for Constraint 1. The constraints for Constraint 2 and Constraint 3 depend on which constraint is selected for the previous constraints.
Mirror about plane—Mirror symmetry in the topology region about the specified plane (MXY, MYZ, MZX).
Extrude along axis (EX, EY, EZ)—Extrude along a specified axis, in a specified direction.
Fill—Adds material to the region by filling it in a specified direction. This is important for castability to prevent a part from locking the mold.
Fill axis (inside to out)—Adds material to the region by filling it from the general plane outward (FGX, FGY, FGZ).
Min. thickness—Minimum thickness of the kept material for filling.
Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
Fill axis (- to +)—Adds material to the region by filling from the bottom plane upward (FBX, FBY, FBZ).
Min. thickness—Minimum thickness of the kept material for filling.
Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
Fill axis (+ to -)—Adds material to the region by filling from the top plane downward (FTX, FTY, FTZ).
Min. thickness—Minimum thickness of the kept material for filling.
Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
Fill axis (zero to + and-)—Adds material to the region by filling symmetrically from the specified plane (F0X, F0Y, F0Z).
Fill axis (outside to in)—Adds material to the region by filling simultaneously from the top and bottom plane (FSX, FSY, FSZ).
Sheet—Builds the final structure using one or two stamped sheets.
Sheet normal to axis (- to +)—Stamps with one sheet from the bottom, normal to the specified axis (SBX, SBY, SBZ).
Sheet thickness (STHICK)—Desired thickness of the sheet for stamping.
Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
Void value (VOIDDNS)—Element density value of the void area where there is no material.
Start offset (OFFSET)—Starting location of the sheet, expressed as a fraction from 0–1 of the local height from the bottom.
Sheet normal to axis (+ to -)—Stamps with one sheet from the top, normal to the specified axis (STX, STY, STZ).
Sheet thickness (STHICK)—Desired thickness of the sheet for stamping.
Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
Void value (VOIDDNS)—Element density of the void value where there is no material.
Start offset (OFFSET)—Starting location of the sheet, expressed as a fraction from 0–1 of the local height from the top.
Two Sheets normal to axis—Stamps with two sheets simultaneously from the top and bottom, normal to the specified axis (S2X, S2Y, S2Z).
Sheet thickness (STHICK)—Desired thickness of the sheet for stamping.
Allow through holes (PUNCH)—Allows holes through the geometry.
Void value (VOIDDNS)—Density of the void value.
Start offset (OFFSET)—Starting location of the sheet, expressed as a fraction from 0–1 of the local height from the top and bottom.
Cyclic about axis—Symmetrical around a specified axis (CX, CY, CZ).
Number of cyclic sections—Number of symmetric sectors around the axis.
Uniform in plane—Enforce uniform requirements in planes parallel to a specified plane (UXY, UXZ, UYZ).
One design variable (UXYZ)—Keep or remove the entire topology region.
Repeating pattern along—Repeats pattern instances along a specified axis (PX, PY, PZ).
Pattern pitch—Size of the repeated section along a specified direction.
Mirrored repeating pattern—Mirrors a pattern that repeats along a specified axis (P0X, P0Y, P0Z).
Pattern pitch—Size of the repeated section along a specified direction.
Radial—Fills material in a specified radial direction (mold pull-off direction).
Radial about axis (general)—Fills radially from the general surface, about a specified axis (RGX, RGY, RGZ).
Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.
Radial about axis (outward)—Fills radially, outward from the inner surface, about a specified axis (RBX, RBY, RBZ).
Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.
Radial about axis (inward)—Fills radially, inward from the outer surface, about a specified axis (RTX, RTY, RTZ).
Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.
Spokes about axis—Extrude radially about a specified axis (KX, KY, KZ).
Number of radial candidates (NSECT)—Number of sectors into which the topology region is divided.