About Verifying Instances
When you verify an instance, you regenerate the instance. You can use Verify to facilitate the process of bringing newly created instances into session so that they can be added to the instance index file. Saving the generic after verification causes the names of all instances that were successfully regenerated to be added to the instance index file for that directory.
To verify instances, you can click Tools > Verify, or the Verify toolbar button, both located in the Family Table dialog box. Both commands open the Family Tree dialog box, which lists and selects all instances for verification. You can verify all instances, or only selected instances.
As each instance is regenerated, a red arrow icon is placed next to its name (this can happen very quickly). After an instance is regenerated, the status of the regeneration (SUCCESS or FAILURE) is displayed under the Verification Status column of the dialog box.
The results of the verification are written to a file named modelname.tst, where modelname is the name of the current generic model. This .tst file records the instance name, the name of the generic, and the regeneration status of each verified instance.
• If a family tree has multiple branches (as in a multi-level Family Table), the verification process regenerates all instances in the tree.
• After each instance is regenerated, it is erased from memory. However, those instances that were already in memory (such as instances retrieved using Instance) remain available in memory.