Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Working with the Model > Integrating Changes using Pro/INTRALINK > To Switch References in a Drawing Manually
To Switch References in a Drawing Manually
1. Retrieve the drawing that references the source object or objects.
2. Click File > Integrate. The Open dialog box opens.
3. Select the integration project file (*.ipf).
4. Click Open. If the drawing contains more than one model, the DWG SW MDL menu appears, enabling you to select a model with which to work:
Pick Model—Select a model in the current object. If that model needs to be switched, the target for that model is retrieved in a sub-window, and the DW MDL MAP menu appears.
Next Model—You can step through models in the current object one by one. Models that do not need to be switched are automatically skipped.
Prev Model—Same as Next Model, but stepping in the opposite direction.
Done—Finish switching references. Creo Parametric warns you if any references are left unmapped. If you disregard the warning, any items that use the unmapped references are lost.
Quit—Abort the process of mapping references.
If the drawing contains only one model that needs to be switched, that model is selected automatically. In either case, the selected target model is retrieved into a sub-window.
5. The DW MDL MAP menu enables you to switch references from the source model to the target model. The DW MDL MAP commands are:
Next Ref—Step to the next reference that needs to be mapped.
Prev Ref—Return to the previous reference.
Pick Ref—Pick a reference to map.
Unmap Ref—Undo the mapping for a particular reference.
Show Undone—Display unmapped references.
Show Done—Display references which have been mapped.
Done—Finish mapping references. Creo Parametric warns you if any references are left unmapped. If you disregard the warning, any items that use the unmapped references are lost.
Quit—Abort the process of switching references.
6. Click Next Ref. A referenced entity (for example, surface, edge, and dimension) highlights on the drawing. Select the corresponding entity on the target model in the sub-window.
7. Continue this process until all references have been switched.
Reference mappings can be changed by toggling to the correct reference (using Next Ref and Prev Ref), choosing Unmap Ref to undo the mapping, and then re-selecting the target entity.