Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Working with the Model > Integrating Changes using Pro/INTRALINK > Example: A Sample Difference Report before Specifying Actions
Example: A Sample Difference Report before Specifying Actions
If you set the info_output_format configuration option to html, the difference between features of the selected parts is listed in a report in the Creo Parametric browser window. Alternatively, you can also view the model information in an INFORMATION WINDOW, if the info_output_format configuration option is set to text. All the differences between the objects is itemized, listing a type of change (feature, layer, relation, and so forth), source and target name, item ID, description, and space for specifying an action.
Creo Parametric provides a standard set of descriptions. Note that not all descriptions apply to all change categories:
Redefined (Attributes, Section, Scheme, and so on)
Each description is appended, if applicable, with one of the following notations, indicating where the change is located:
In Target
In Source
The column with the ID indicates the location of the change. If the ID appears in both columns, then the modified item exists in both objects.
* Differences in patterns are reported only for the pattern leaders.