Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Relations and Parameters > Relations > C Programs and Relations > To Execute an Interactive C Program
To Execute an Interactive C Program
After you successfully link a user program, you can run it to implement the changes.
The system does not run user programs automatically. You must rerun the program each time you want to update the part.
Upon completion of the program, you must regenerate the part to update geometry.
1. Click Tools > Relations. The Relations dialog box opens.
2. Click Utilities > User Prog > Run.
3. Enter the program name. The program begins executing. Any printed output is written to the startup window. The program prompts you for necessary input. When you execute the program, the system creates two temporary files:
spgtousr.dat lists the parameters and their values before the program is executed.
usrtospg.dat lists the parameters and their values after the program is executed.
You can delete these files after you make sure the program runs properly.
4. When the program is finished running, regenerate the model to update geometry.