Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The View Tab > Cross Sections > Working with Cross Sections > About View Clipping
About View Clipping
You can perform view clipping on a model containing cross sections. You can clip models through cross sections and create drawing views from clipped views.
The following are some guidelines for view clipping:
You can define multiple cross sections. However, you can view clip a model using only one cross section at a time.
You can use a maximum of six planar boundaries to define zones to view clip them.
You cannot use cross-section view clipping and model view clipping simultaneously.
You can save the model in the view clipped state by setting the save_clipped_view configuration option to yes. On subsequent retrieval of the model, Creo Parametric sets the saved clipping state to active, and the model is displayed in the clipped state.
* You need the save_clipped_view configuration option only at the time the model is saved. Retrieval of the model depends on how the model was saved; retrieval is completely independent of the configuration option.