Creo Options Modeler > References > Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The Tools Tab > Getting Information > Investigating References > Relations References
Relations References
Relations references consist of dimensions and parameters that are used in relations. The Relations references filter setting displays objects with dependencies resulting from relations. No information about local symbols or other information about relations is given here. The Reference Viewer dialog box only provides investigation of references created in relations and references that were created in Program to other objects.
Relations references displays relations using parameters and dimensions from other models or features. For example, if the following symbols are used in the relations of a specified feature:
feat_param:FID_DTM1, surf_param:sid_surf1, model_param:5
the feature DTM1, the surface surf1, and the model that corresponds to session id 5 are displayed as parents of this feature when you use the Relations references setting as a filter.
As with parameters, relations can belong to various objects: assemblies, skeletons, parts, features, and patterns.
Because patterns can have relations (P52:2 = P6:9, for example), and accordingly, can now have parents, the Global Reference Viewer also shows patterns, as does the Model Tree. Both can be expanded to show their features.
Because a relation can be maintained without the assembly, the full path for a relation appears in the following format:
Relation d54:4 = d42:2 + 10 --> Cut id 496 --> A_WHITE_BRASS_CONNECTION.PRT -->
A_CYL_END_TOP.PRT --> Protrusion id 323 --> Dimension d42:2