Creo Options Modeler > Creo Options Modeler > Top Down Design > Data Sharing > Copy and Publish Geometry Features > Copy Geometry Features > To Create a Copy Geometry Feature
To Create a Copy Geometry Feature
You can create a Copy Geometry feature in part, skeleton, and assembly models.
* When a publish geometry reference is selected, other references cannot be made, and vice versa.
1. Retrieve an assembly.
2. Click Copy Geometry. The Copy Geometry tab opens.
3. To define the copy geometry by a predefined Published Geometry feature proceed for selection, or click to deactivate the publish geometry reference collector (activated by default).
4. To create a local copy geometry feature, click
5. To create an external copy geometry feature, click .
6. To update the feature geometry relative to the reference geometry, click .
7. To define the Copy Geometry feature, click References, select the reference type, and define the references. Define at least one element:
Surface Sets—Select surfaces.
Chains—Select edges or curves.
References—Select various reference features.
Annotation—Select various annotation features: notes, symbols, surface finishes, geometric tolerances, reference dimensions, and driven dimensions with tolerances.
* Click Details to view, add, or remove a reference from the list.
8. Click Options to define one of the following elements:
Copy all surfaces as is (default)—Creates an exact copy of the selected surfaces.
Exclude surfaces and Fill holes—Activates two collectors:
Exclude Contours—Select surfaces to be excluded from the current copy feature.
Fill holes/surfaces—Select holes on the selected surfaces to be filled.
Copy Inside boundary—Defines a boundary containing the surfaces to be copied.
Copied Geometry Update—Sets update preferences for the Copy Geometry feature.
Automatic Update—Automatically updates the copy geometry feature when the source geometry is modified and in session.
Manual Update—Does not automatically update the copied geometry feature when the source geometry is modified. You can update the copy geometry feature at any time as long as the original geometry is in session.
No Dependency—Creates an independent copy geometry feature.
Refit Datums—Refits automatically the included datums and axes to the target part outline.
* Copy options are available only when the Copy Geometry feature is defined by a surface set. These options are disabled when the reference model is a Published Geometry feature.
9. Click Properties to change the default, feature name.
10. Click to complete the Copy Geometry feature.