Creo Options Modeler > References > PTC Creo Unite > Opening non-Creo Parts and Assemblies > About the Associative Update of Annotations Contained in the Creo Elements/Direct Models
About the Associative Update of Annotations Contained in the Creo Elements/Direct Models
Creo Elements/Direct*.sdpc and *.sdac part and assembly content files that you open in Creo include annotation features such as dimensions, notes, tolerances, and symbols. The semantic and graphical representations of the annotation features are preserved in the Creo Elements/Direct part and assembly models that you open in Creo.
The persistent tags of the annotation planes, the combined states, and the docuplanes preserve the annotation features of the Creo Elements/Direct models when you open the models in Creo. The annotations that are assigned to the docuplanes in the Creo models are retained and are assigned to the combined states of the models retrieved in Creo. The annotation planes that are used to position the annotations in the Creo Elements/Direct models are also preserved.
Annotations such as the linear, radial, diameter, and angular dimensions, notes, tolerances, and symbols of the Creo Elements/Direct models contain Product Manufacturing Information (PMI). The PMI data is retained as semantic representations in the annotations. The locations, positions, and the orientation of the PMI data are also retained in the Creo Elements/Direct models that you retrieved. The associated reference geometry is also retained in the Creo Elements/Direct models.
When you open Creo Elements/Direct models in Creo, the geometric associativity of the source and the retrieved models is maintained in Creo Elements/Direct and Creo. Therefore, the annotations are automatically updated when you add or remove annotations in the source models in Creo Elements/Direct or the retrieved models in Creo. The annotations are not reimported or recreated, but the models are updated associatively for the annotation changes and the annotations are regenerated for the new attributes. The associative update of the models for the annotation changes preserves the feature IDs of the annotations.
The Creo Elements/Direct models that you retrieved in Creo are also automatically updated for changes to the definitions, references, or positions of the annotations or the PMI data in Creo Elements/Direct or Creo. The associative update of the models and their annotations ensures that the models in Creo Elements/Direct and Creo are up-to-date with respect to the definition, references, and positions of the annotations and the PMI contained in the annotations.