Creo Options Modeler > References > Data Management > Workspace > Object Operations in the Workspace > Saving and Uploading Objects > To Save a Copy of an Object
To Save a Copy of an Object
You can use File > Save As > Save a Copy to save an existing object to the workspace with a different name or to a different location. The Save a Copy command also allows you to export the current object in formats such as IGES or JPEG. You can save all the exported file formats to the object's CAD Document for easy retrieval.
If you are using a Windchill 8.0 or later server, then any CAD Document that you save has a category defined. A category is a definition of the file-type but does not depend on the extension of the file.
1. Click File > Save As > Save a Copy. The Save a Copy dialog box opens.
* The directory in the Look In box is the default for your active workspace and cannot be changed.
2. The name of the active model appears in the File name box.
3. In the New file name box, specify a new name for the object that you want to save .
4. To save a copy of the object, click OK. To export the object in a different format, select a format from the Type list. The Category list displays the first category that corresponds to the format specified in the Type list.
* If a category that corresponds to the file extension that you have specified in the Type list does not exist, then the Category list does not display any category.
5. Click the Save new files to model's CAD Document check box to associate the new file with the original object's CAD Document.
6. Click Ok.
* The Category list and the Save new files to model's CAD Document check boxes are available only for a registered Windchill server.