Creo Options Modeler > References > Data Management > Workspace > Object Operations in the Workspace > Exchanging Units > About Explicitly Mapping Parameters and Attributes
About Explicitly Mapping Parameters and Attributes
The Creo application maps the designated real number parameters of models with units to Windchill attributes of type floating number with units. This mapping is bidirectional and implicit. However, you must explicitly map the existing values of attribute type, floating point, especially of legacy data, to parameters with units to avoid upload and checkin failure due to a mismatch of parameter type. If you do not explicitly map floating point attributes and parameters with units, upload of the model to the server fails with the error message that parameters with units are mapped to floating point attributes.
An Administrator must appropriately set the relevant option so that you can explicitly map the existing floating point attributes, already mapped to parameters without units, to parameters with units. Similarly, if this option is set appropriately, you can explicitly map existing parameters with units, already mapped to attributes of type floating point, to attributes of type floating number with units.
The Administrator must then define the mapping as follows to use the explicit mapping instead of the stored mapping:
Provide the explicit mapping between the parameter name with units and the attribute of type, floating number with units.
Set the preference options to indicate for which attributes you want to use the alternate mapping.
After this option is appropriately set, when you upload the model to the server, the floating point attribute value is removed from the CAD document and the parameter value is mapped to the attribute value, floating number with units, in the CAD Document. When the parameter names, their values, and units match the attribute names and values with units, these values are added to the CAD documents and the upload and checkin succeeds.
The Administrator can also set the option for the explicit mapping of the existing parameters without units to attributes of type floating number with units. However, you can continue to implicitly map existing parameters without units to attributes of type floating number without encountering errors or failures.
* The Administrator must set the appropriate option if you want to continue to map without errors Creo parameters with units to Windchillfloating point attributes, especially for legacy data. If you continue to map parameters with units to attributes without units, legacy mapping is preserved and the model files are not modified.