Creo Options Modeler > References > Data Management > Managing Parts and Documents > Designating Model Objects > About Designating Model Objects and Creating Model Items
About Designating Model Objects and Creating Model Items
You can designate Creo features, annotation elements, geometry, and other model objects. Additionally, you can designate annotation elements as controlled characteristics. The designation of model objects generates neutral data in the Creo applications. This neutral data creates object types called model items for the designated model objects when you check in the models to Windchill.
The Windchill server automatically maps the model items to appropriate data types and object attributes and exposes the model information that is embedded at the feature-level in the models. You can, thereafter, view the feature-level information of the models and store the information on the server. You cannot independently check in or check out model items or work on them. The model items are associated with the CAD Documents and WTParts that you check in to the server.
You can click Tools > Model Intent > Designate and use the Designate dialog box to designate model objects. You must click the Objects tab to create designated model objects for features, surfaces, curves, edges, quilts, and annotation elements and add them to the Object Name column in the Designate dialog box. You can also select the designated model objects in the Object Name column and undesignate them to remove their reference to the CAD Documents and the associated WTParts.
As model items are associated with the WTParts, you can propagate the feature-level information to the CAD Documents and the WTParts in Windchill. When model items generate WTParts, a build association is established between the model items and the WTParts.