To Create a File
1. Click New on the Quick Access Toolbar or press CTRL + N or click File > New. The New dialog box opens.
2. Click Part or Assembly.
3. In the File name collector, type a name or use the default name. If you accept the default template, go to step 7. To use another template go to step 4.
4. You can type a general description for the file in the Common name collector.
5. Clear the Use default template check box and click OK. The New File Options dialog box opens.
6. Select a template from the list. Or click Browse to find and select another template or a User defined template.
All standard part and assembly templates contain MODELED_BY and DESCRIPTION parameters.
Creo Direct has multiple templates, to support different units of measurement.
7. Click OK.
8. The Creo Direct Graphics window opens. The name of the file appears on the title bar.