To Create a Datum Plane
You can create datum planes in part or assembly mode. Use the following steps:
1. Select the geometric references. A Live Toolbar appears.
2. Click . An Options Toolbar opens. Expand the Options Toolbar to open a Floating Dashboard. The selected placement references appear in the collector in the Placement panel. You can also perform the following actions using the Placement panel:
If required, add or remove the placement references. The placement collector updates to display the new selection. Accordingly, a new constraint type appears in the box next to the placement collector.
If required, select another constraint from the list adjacent to the placement collector.
For offset placement constraints, select or type an offset value in the box next to the constraint list.
If a fully constrained (defined) plane cannot be created, you are prompted to select additional geometric entities to constrain (define) the plane. Hold down the CTRL key to select only those geometry types that can be added to the current selection.
A plane is dynamically created and displayed in the graphics window.
3. To resize the datum plane outline, click on the Options Toolbar and drag the placement handles at the corners of the datum plane in the graphics window.
Alternatively, in the Floating Dashboard, click Adjust plane outline.
4. Middle-click to complete the operation.