To Create a Boolean Feature
1. In an open assembly, click > .
2. Select a Boolean Operation from the list:
◦ Merge—Combines 2 or more components into one or more components.
◦ Cut—Geometry of one or more components is subtracted from the modified component.
◦ Intersect—Geometry shared by two or more components is kept.
3. A
Boolean Operations Options toolbar appears. Click

to see the Floating Dashboard.
4. Click the Modified Models collector. Select one or more components from the Model Tree or graphics window. For multiple component selection, activate the modified component collector and hold down the CTRL key to select more components. The Modified Models collector shows the number of selected components. Click the arrow below the Modified Models collector to see the component names.
5. Select one or more components from the Model Tree or graphics window. Hold down the CTRL key to select more than one model. The Modifying Components collector shows the number of selected components. Click the arrow below the Modifying Components collector to see the component names.
6. Click Preview to display a preview of the resulting geometry.
7. Click OK to complete.