Create drawings from models (Creo Elements/Direct Annotation) > Configure Creo Elements/Direct Annotation > Change Creo Elements/Direct Annotation settings > Change default settings
Change default settings
You can specify values for nearly all settings in Creo Elements/Direct Annotation using the Default Settings table. Creo Elements/Direct Annotation remembers your settings from one session to the next automatically.
In this browser, you can change settings and create Create a stylestyles, groups of settings between which you can switch quickly.
To change a default setting,
1. Click File > Settings > Default Settings.
2. The Default Settings window organizes settings hierarchically according to the function affected, much like a Windows file browser. Click the "+" next to Creo Elements/Direct Annotation to expand the list.
3. Locate and expand the area in which you would like to make a change.
You can go directly to the desired area by clicking File > Settings and selecting the area you want.
4. Double-click the setting. You will see either a drop-down list, or a data-entry dialog will pop up directing you to:
Enter a new value.
Click to set a value on or off.
Choose from a list.
Choose from a table of options (for Style References).
Read the Description for more information on the setting, or click the help icon.
5. Complete the entry as required. Creo Elements/Direct Annotation will remember your change.
To undo changes you have made to a single setting, right-click the Source cell and select Reset user value.
To undo all changes for a group, right-click the group row and select Reset global user values below.
The Source column indicates the source of the current value. It can be a single value, like System, Corp, Site, or User, or a combination of a style name with the level in parentheses, like ASME (System).