Dimensioning prefixes, postfixes, subfixes, and superfixes can be predefined and stored in a table. Later, you can recall the stored settings and use them as the current dimensioning style. Tables can be saved to disk for use in future Creo Elements/Direct Annotation sessions.
To add a fix style to its table,
1. Click Annotation and then, in the Annotate group, click Linear, Circular, or Angular. The respective dialog box opens.
2. Enter text in a fix box.
3. Click Put All under Dim Fix Texts.
4. Click Yes when Creo Elements/Direct Annotation asks you to confirm the table addition.
5. Complete the dimension operation.
Note that all fixes put into a table are recognized by all fix tables as part of a set. This allows you to select style sets from the All Fix Texts table. You select single entries for specific fixes from the relevant tables: see below.
To select a style from a dimension fix table,
1. Click Annotation and then, in the Annotate group, click Linear, Circular, or Angular. The respective dialog box opens.
2. Click a type of dimensioning under Create.
3. Click Prefix, Postfix, Subfix, or Superfix.
Creo Elements/Direct Annotation displays a table corresponding to the specified fix.
4. Click an entry in the table, and click Apply; or double-click the entry.
The text appears in the relevant data entry field.
5. Complete the dimension operation.
Creo Elements/Direct Annotation includes the selected fix with the dimension text.
You can also select a style set of fixes from the All Fix Texts table using the Get All button. This allows you to select a group containing one or more fixes.