Customizer's Guide > Working with ActiveX Controls > Executing ActiveX Controls Using XUI > Example: Previewing Word and Excel Documents
Example: Previewing Word and Excel Documents
This example demonstrates how ActiveX dialog boxes can be implemented at a script level. In this scenario, users need to be able to preview Word and Excel documents from within Arbortext Editor. Because this type of functionality is not document type specific, the file could be activated from a custom Arbortext Editor menu item.
The following file supports this example and is available at the following location:
This example launches the Microsoft Common Dialog control, an ActiveX version of the standard File Open dialog box. The script launches Microsoft Excel or Word depending on the user's selection on the File Open dialog box. The only ActiveX piece of the implementation is the File Open dialog box. Launching of Word and Excel uses standard ACL COM functions.
<!--ArborText, Inc., 1988-2003, v.4002-->
<!DOCTYPE window PUBLIC "-//Arbortext//DTD XUI XML 1.0//EN"
<window orient="horizontal" focus="opendlg" modal="false"
<activex id="opendlg" progid="MSComDlg.CommonDialog"></activex>
<script type="application/x-vbscript"
' Set flags
OpenDlg.Flags = cdlOFNHideReadOnly
' Set filters
OpenDlg.Filter = "Excel Files(*.xls)|*.xls|" & _
"Word Documents (*.doc)|*.doc|CSV Files(*.csv)|*.csv|Text Files" & _
"(*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|"
' Specify default filter
OpenDlg.FilterIndex = 1
' Display the Open dialog box
index = OpenDlg.FilterIndex
filename = OpenDlg.filename
if(filename <> "") then
' Let's launch Excel or Word as COM servers
' (Not to be confused with the ActiveX control from which
' we selected a file name.)
if(index = 1 or index = 3) then ' if .xls or .csv
' Open file in Excel
Dim hExcel 'handle to the Excel app
Dim hWorkbooks 'handle to Excel Workbooks object
set hExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
hExcel.Visible = -1
set hWorkbooks = hExcel.Workbooks
else ' for all other file types....
'Open file in MS Word
Dim hWord 'handle to the Word app
Dim hWordDocs
set hWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
hWord.Visible = -1
set hWordDocs = hWord.Documents
end if
end if