Configuring Menus and Groups
The navigation menus for ThingWorx Asset Manager main search page and asset details page are organized in groups of menu items and arranged using a sort order and allow for custom menu groups and items to be added.
Group names in the ThingWorx Asset Manager are localization tokens within ThingWorx. Use the following information to configure the groups and menus within ThingWorx Asset Manager.
Asset Search Menu
Sort Order
This group is only available if ThingWorx Remote Access and Control is installed.
Asset Details and Dashboard Menu
Sort Order
This group is only available if ThingWorx Remote Access and Control is installed.
To pick up extension menu items, a helper thing must implement the PTC.Asset.MenuExpansions thing shape. Some services from the PTC.Asset.MenuExpansions thing shape can be overridden
The following should be considered when configuring menus and groups:
  • For the Asset Search and Asset Details menus, there is a core service that looks for things implementing the PTC.Asset.MenuExpansions thing shape. First, the menu groups service is used to help pre-define the groups and order, and then the menu items service.
  • New groups can be defined using the menu items service but will display at the bottom of the menu.
  • The groups are gathered and then sorted by sortOrder and then by group (name). However, keep in mind that a group can be a localized token. For example, if two items have the same sortOrder, they may not be appear in alphabetical order when translated.
  • The Asset Details menu will display the mashups in embedded mashup (right area), however in order to retain the navigation for asset search sections the extension mashup should be assigned the PTC.Asset.Master.RemoteService.AssetSearch master.