Current Asset Information
Property Values
You can view and search for the current property values of the selected asset by clicking PROPERTY VALUES under Current. To filter the list of current properties, use the filter drop-down and then enter the string you want to filter by and click Filter.
To view current alerts for the asset, click ALERTS under Current. You can filter alerts by the following information:
  • Property Name
  • Reported between
  • Priority
  • Acknowledged
To acknowledge an alert, select an alert in the list, and click Acknowledge above the list.
The following information is available for each alert:
Property Name
The name of the property.
The name of the alert.
The message that indicates the reason for the alert, or the description that is provided when the alert is acknowledged along with the user name of the person that acknowledged the alert.
Reported Time
The time that the alert was reported to the system.
A numerical value assigned to the alert to indicate its severity.
Indicates whether or not the alert has been acknowledged. An empty box indicates that the alert has not been acknowledged, while a box with a check in it indicates that the alert has been acknowledged.
Acknowledged By
If the alert has been acknowledged, this property indicates the username of the person that acknowledged the alert.
Acknowledged Time
If the alert has been acknowledged, this property indicates the timestamp that the acknowledgement occurred.
Click Location under Current to view a map with the current location of the selected asset. Hover over the pin on the map to view the text that includes the timestamp and time zone that the location was recorded, and whether or not an alert was in effect when the location was recorded. The following table identifies the different color statuses of the pin:
The default color of the pin. No alert was recorded at this location.
Indicates that an alert was in effect when the location was recorded.
Indicates that the location has been selected. This is useful when the map is being used in correlation with a list on the Historical Property Values page.