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Enhancement Details

Starting Pro/TOOLKIT Applications from Distributed Pro/BATCH

Distributed Pro/BATCH has been extended to allow batch execution of custom Pro/TOOKLIT applications.

Product Information

Product PTC Creo Parametric
Product / Module PTC Creo Parametric
Version Wildfire 4.0
Product Functional Area Other Functional Areas
User Interface Location  
Processes, Initiatives, and Best Practices

Benefits and Description

With Distributed Pro/BATCH, you can now create and run powerful, customized batch tasks based on your own Pro/TOOLKIT applications. A customizable Task Type Definition (TTD) template is provided. This template expands the usability of Pro/BATCH, which uses over 70 predefined tasks.

Batch automation of your enterprise tasks is now only limited by your imagination. You can take tedious, repetitive tasks off-line, freeing designers to do value-added design work.