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Items found: 10
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Correct Display of Tapered Threads in Drawings
Simplified drawing representation of new tapered threads according to the ANSI, ISO, and JIS drawing standards is available.
Improved Conversion to Draft Entities
Model edges more efficiently convert to multiple draft types such as Draft lines, Draft arcs, Draft splines, and Draft ellipses.
Draft Datum Improvements
You can create parametric draft datums using the Vertex or On Entity options. The leader and elbow segments of a set datum tag are independently controlled and adjustable.
Updates to Active Layers
Objects maintain their active layer status as you navigate between open windows. When a layer is activated, layers with the same name are activated in any submodels.
Extension Lines for Symbols Attached to Draft Entities
You can drag a symbol or surface finish off a straight draft entity or straight model curve, and create extension lines.
Superscripted Symmetric Tolerance Display
You can set symmetric tolerances to appear superscripted from the nominal dimension value.
Setting the Display of Significant Digits
The detail setup option, dim_trail_zero_max_places, sets the number of decimal places when trailing zeroes are used to reach the number of decimal places set by configuration option default_dec_places.
Offset Notes to Reference Points and Axes
You can create an offset note referencing datum points and axes in a drawing. You can create Hole table callouts that are either offset or on-axis, and remain offset during geometry modifications.
Shortcut to Layer Commands
The following layer commands are removed from the Visibility menu (View > Visibility) and relocated under Layer in the Layer tree: Isolate, Hidden Line, Copy Status From, and Drawing Dependent.
Datum Tag Placement in Drawings
Tag placement for set datums attached to Geometric Tolerances (GTOLs) is controlled by where you click on the GTOL to place the tag.